Case Study: MetLife

Rebuilding trust and sales by re-envisioning “family.”


Rebuilding trust and sales by re-envisioning “family.”


To help address a decades-long, industry-wide decline in sales of life insurance, MetLife launched a comprehensive effort to provide coverage solutions for the “middle market,” including multicultural customers. However, they first had to overcome a legacy of focusing on the affluent and upper middle class to regain the trust—and buying power—of these underserved prospects.


After extensive qualitative and quantitative research, we had a revelation: the traditional family is evolving into a “Circle of Concern,” with less focus on the structure of family and more on its functions. The Circle of Concern involves an intricate balance of financial independence and interdependence, and understanding and depicting this relationship was essential in connecting with these diverse audiences.


lower income

aa female

“The Flynn team worked as an extension of our MetLife Consumer Direct team. Together, we built something very powerful.”
Lewis Goldman
VP of Consumer Direct  //  MetLife

For our campaign, we focused on an intergenerational setting with a strong female head of household that also allowed us to position the security that life insurance provides as transformational.

Centering our media strategy on DRTV allowed us to reach our target in a cost-effective way, continually optimize media performance, and refine our creative.

And since we understood that channel preferences differ by audience (e.g., applying by phone vs. online), we gave priority to the toll-free number.

175 Sully’s Trail

Pittsford, NY 14534

Suite 100
